Hello, my
fellows ! I’m Assia, the cook behind the website Quick And Easy Desserts. Since when I was little I love to
cook and discover new recipes, That's why I was always with my mother in the
kitchen, My grandmothers taught me their knowledge and love for good food.
I love to
cook because I like to eat. So I cook, even for myself when I want to enjoy
myself. But it's even better when it is for others and especially for my
friends or my family.
The kitchen
is shared and is therefore it's a sign of generosity, Women know that. It is also
fun, selfish pleasure of pleasing .. the senses, all the senses are awakening
when cooking, touch, taste, sight, smell ...it's awesome ! That's why I created
this website Quick And Easy Desserts to share my skills and my knowledge
with you.
If you have any question or comment, don't hesitate to contact me by email at contact.quickandeasydesserts@gmail.com.
Quick And Easy Desserts has a Facebook page, so come on over
and like it. I am also on Twitter if you’d like to follow me there as well. Come
and join my professional social network LinkedIn, You can see some of my new
works on Google Plus. And, if all of that isn’t enough, don’t forget Pinterest !